Kids and Cleaning? Yes. So Much Yes.
I can remember as a mom of toddlers being overwhelmed, overworked, and just plain over it. I felt like I had to be SuperMom and get everything done myself. And not just done, Pinterest level done. Let’s be real, it was never Pinterest level done! My husband (now my ex-husband) and I were both working full-time, trying to raise 2 toddlers, take care of a house, take care of a yard, and I was taking a couple college classes as well. Needless to say, stuff slacked. I remember feeling like a failure if (LOL, daily) my house wasn’t picked up, dishes weren’t done, home cooked nutritious meal every night, etc… What I learned was that my 4 year old and 2 year old were far more capable than I thought and child labor wasn’t as bad as it sounds! Kids and cleaning? Yes. So Much Yes.
But How Can Littles Help?
If you do a simple internet search on what the right age is to begin chores you’ll get a plethora of opinions, like tons. I personally feel that we all know our own children the best and that what is right for one child may or may not be right for the next. So here’s my thoughts on this topic – you will know, trust your gut. Can a 2 year old take out the garbage? No. Can a 2 year old pick up her own toys? YES.
Kids model what they see, this is nothing new. At young ages they also want to help, they want to do what mommy or daddy is doing. They watch our every move, let them help! Giving them simple chores to consistently do will teach them responsibility and help them feel like they are contributing. This is important! This also will help lessen the load on SuperMom.
What About the Chemicals?
So, I don’t know about you but I did not want my kids, my precious little darlings, spraying chemical based cleaning supplies around! There’s a reason we keep them locked in cupboards or up high where they can’t get into them! Using Norwex Microfiber and water to clean 90% of your surfaces makes a SAFE and EASY option for a parent and child to safely introduce these responsibilities. Take dusting for example – using the Kids Dust Mitt is all that is needed, no sprays, no aerosol cans, no added expense when they spray enough for 10 tables on 1 table. All they do is wear the mitt and rub their hand over the furniture. Kids do this anyhow, especially that 2-5 age group! With a Kids EnviroCloth and water they can wipe down their own toys and could even help wipe down the bathroom. Pull up that chair and let them help do some plastic dishes! They’ll think they’re just playing in the water! With the Norwex Dish Soap there are no harsh or harmful chemicals absorbing into your loves skin and body. The Norwex Mop System has a handle that adjusts to a nice size, not a great size for a toddler, but they’ll have a ton of fun doing it anyhow! No chemicals or sloppy mop bucket there either. Kids and cleaning can be done safely and effectively. Click the link to check out safe cleaning alternatives for your kids. Norwex Kids Line
To keep your little ones safe and engaged here are a few recommendations for kids and cleaning:
- Stop using toxic chemicals to clean. They are simply not necessary.
- If you insist on toxic chemicals to clean, make absolute certain that you are helping your child and are supervising. Make sure they are put away and stored properly.
- Praise your children when they are helping
- Don’t be overly particular – it doesn’t need to be perfect to be done. What you’re teaching is far more important than perfection.
- Be consistent – they should learn and know that these chores are expected of them.
- Don’t be vague, be specific. Instead of saying “clean the living room” say “dust the furniture, vacuum the floor”
- Create a Chore Chart and have fun with it!